With sadness the SNAG community regrets to announce the loss of one of our own. Cliff Wood, a longtime supporter and fixture of participation and dedication to the SNAG mission has passed away due to a long battle with cancer and will be sorely missed. His friends at the Master Gardeners group wrote –
Hi MG’s,
We received news of the passing of MG Cliff Wood on Nov. 27th after a long battle with cancer.
Cliff became a MG volunteer in 2002 where he first started his MG hours at the Old Mormon Fort Heritage Gardens. He spent countless hours not only at the research orchard but on the MG help-line where he could be found every Tuesday. He enjoyed spending time at Farmers Markets and other community events, answering gardening questions from the public.
He was famous for his gruff exterior (that covered a very tender heart) as well as his humor and of course his famous “Roadkill Chili” (don’t ask what was in it) that he brought to share at every Master Gardener Monthly meeting. ( He looked forward to those meeting pot-lucks so much and rarely ever missed one)
Cliff loved his hot peppers and was a champion tomato grower.
Besides earning both the Silver Trowel and Silver Phone awards in Clark County, in 2014 Cliff received a Southern Nevada Arborist award for distinguished service, at the annual Desert Green Conference.
Along with gardening, College Football and flying were his passions. He loved his alma mater Alabama and followed the team religiously.
Cliff will be laid to rest at a military cemetery in his beloved Alabama.
We will miss you Cliff- Roll Tide..